From November 6 to 9, 2010 the director of Felsberger Institut e.V., Dr Hartmut Quehl, visited together with Mrs Natalie Charkow the "Instituto Martin Luther King" in Nicaragua to hold preliminary talks about cooperation possibilities between the two institutions in the field of academic research. The "Instituto Martin Luther King" is part of the Polytechnical University of Managua (UPOLI) and works in political sciences. It has a long experience in the research of the Nicaraguan war and in the practical fields of peace building and reconciliation between the former Nicaraguan warring parties and the civil society.
During the meetings both sides discussed the plan of realising a common research project on a comparative social history of wars. Together with Ref. José Miguél Torres and Martín Torres, Dr. Quehl and Mrs Charkow paid a visit to the settlement of Nueva Guinea where IMLK has played an active role in the reconciliation process. First meetings with ex-combatants and members of the former warring parties were held.
Felsberger Institut e.V. and IMLK agreed upon a second meeting in Nicaragua in 2011 in order to discuss the realisation of the research project and ist parctical implementation